Miracle Tree - Most Nutrient Plants

A Study in women found that consuming 1.5 teaspoons(7 grams) of moringa leaf powder daily for three months increased blood level of antioxidants (Trusted Source)

Health Benefits | Introduction | Ayurvedic & Hela Medicine |
| Difficulty | How to Use | Conclusion 

| Health Benefits 👇 |

It has anti-aging properties

According to research, Moringa is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, Which may combat premature wrinkles and keep your skin youthful.

Enhance your 👄💖sex drive 💏

Moringa may boost testosterone and reduce cortisol. According to animal studies, Moringa leaves may have beneficial effects on male sexual dysfunction induced by stress.

Balance the blood Sugar 

Moringa contains chlorogenic acids and isothiocyanates, it is thought to help stabilize blood sugar. 

Chlorogenic acids can control blood sugar by controlling the uptake or release of glucose (sugar) by cells after a meal. 

Moringa helps stabilize blood sugar, with a positive effect on fasting blood sugar, Insulin level, Hba1c, and overall blood sugar control. 

𓀠𓀤Consuming moringa regularly can help reduce fatigue, improve mood, speed up metabolism, promote blood circulation, and reduce stress.

𓀠𓀤Maintain a Healthy Immunity system, Aid the growth and development of muscles, and contribute to healthy skin, teeth, eyesight, and bones.

| Introduction | 

Moringa Oleifera is a plant native to Northern India and also grows in tropical and subtropical places like Asia, and Africa. There are 13 different species in total. 

Moringa oleifera, also known as “drumstick tree” ‘Tree of Life’ and Miracle Tree, has a wide range of nutritional and bioactive compounds, including essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients.

Moringa Leaves, Seeds, bark, sap, and flowers are edible and widely used in traditional medicine

Leaves and immature seed pods are used as food products. Dry leaves are sold as dietary supplements in powdered or capsule form.  

Other Health Benefits

(Not yet researched but used in Ayurvedic & Hela Medicine in Sri Lanka)


Taking 3g of Moringa twice daily for 3 weeks reduces the severity of asthma symptoms and improves lung function in adults with mild to moderate asthma.

*Adding Moringa Powder to food for 2 months helps improve weight in malnourished children.*

Help with Digestive Problems -

Moringa's fiber, Soluble & insoluble can aid digestion and alleviate constipation. Soluble fiber slows digestion and enhances satiety, while insoluble fiber increases stool bulk for easier passage through the digestive tract. Moringa also supports beneficial gut bacteria.

Reduce High Blood Pressure -

Adding moringa to your diet, exercise, and a healthy diet May help lower high blood pressure due to its quercetin content, which reduces heart stress and stabilizes blood pressure regulation. If you're taking blood pressure medication, consult your health care provider before using moringa, as it could lead to excessively low blood pressure.

Improve Cholesterol -

Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is vital for heart disease prevention, and moringa shows promise in lowering cholesterol. A study suggests that moringa has lipid-lowering and plaque-prevening properties, promoting heart health

❤️  Reduces the risk of cancer

❤️ Shape the body reducing excess body weight. 

❤️ Reduces Acidificaion 

❤️ Strengthens bones and teeth and gives physiological protection. 

❤️ Regulates the insulin production in Pancres

❤️ Improve the Health of the Liver

❤️ Removes Unwanted fat from the body 

𓀥Moringa Promotes healthy hair and is globally recognized for its medicinal value, Especially in the form of Moringa leaf drinks. 

In a 2013 report published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Sienceist reveals that hot water extracts from Moringa Oleifera demonstrated the ability to kill up to 97% of human cancer cells(panc-1)in lab tests conducted over 72 hours period. Furthermore, the extract inhibited the growth of all tested pancreatic cell lines. pancreatic cancer is a particularly severe form of cancer, with fewer than 6% of adenocarcinoma patients surviving beyond five years after diagnosis, Currently, Chemotherapy is the standard treatment.

| Difficulty |

Moringa, a potent plant, can lead to digestive discomfort or upset stomach
when consumed in large amounts. Pregnant or nursing individuals should
avoid it due to potentially harmful chemicals in the roots, bark, and flowers.

Moringa may also interact with certain medications. starting with a small
dose, such as half to one teaspoon per day, is recommended. However,
exceeding 70 grams daily may result in vitamin and mineral toxicity. Consulting
a healthcare provider before incorporating moringa into your routine is advice
for safety.

| How to Use |

Moringa powder is versatile and can enhance various recipes, from meals to snacks and beverages. Its taste resembles Macha, with an earthy, grassy, or green flavor. Some prefer to pair with stronger or sweeter flavors. Here are some ideas,

💛 Moringa tea

Moringa tea, while a recent introduction in the West, boasts popularity in various global regions due to its impressive nutritional content. studies suggest potential health benefits of its compounds, though further research is required to substantiate claims for both tea and other moringa products.

In the interim, relish the delightful taste and distinctive aroma of moringa tea, Brew a cup, find a cozy spot, and relish a few moments of tranquility and pleasure.

Moringa Tea Recipe

  • 10 oz Water
  • 01 tsp Cup & Dry moringa leaves
  • Optional sweetener(Honey or agave)

  • Boil water rapidly using a te kettle or on the stovetop
  • Place moringa leaves in a tea ball or infuser and add to hot water
  • Take off the heat and steep for 3 to 5 minutes
  • Sweeten to taste, If desired. Enjoy!

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