Butterfly Pea -Clitoria Ternatea

Butterfly Pea (Clitoria Ternatea)

25 Health benefits, 2 Minutes Read 

In this article we will take you through very short and summarised, but
covering all information about Butterfly Pea with Saving your valuable time.

Introduction | Nutrients | Health Benefits| Difficulty | Conclusion 

    ðŸ’§A Perennial herbaceous plant from the Fabaceae family. Clitoria Ternatea,

commonly known as Butterfly Pea and native to ASIA.

    ðŸ‘«It can be recognized by its striking,vibrvant blue colour..   

    ðŸ’§Often featured in cocktails, cosmetics, caffeine free herbal blend tea,

    and as a source of natural food colourants and antioxidants.

    ðŸ’§Rich in anthocyanins(antioxidant compound) and has been associated with

    variety of potential health benefits


          - Ternatins, Anthocyanins compounds 

            Can alleviate inflammation and may prevent cancer cell growth.

          - Kaemphferol

            Test tube studies indicated that it can fight with cancer and may kill off
            the cancer cells

          - P-Coumaric acid

           Have an anti-inflammatory,antimicrobial and antiviral effects 

          - Delphinidin 3, 5-glucoside

            Help to stimulate immune function and cause cell death in colorectal
            cancer cell

    Health Benefits

        - It contains properties which improve the health of the liver,
            Pancreas and other internal organs.
        - Cleanse the body and lose weight, it contains catechins which Trigger thermogenesis.This is simply heating the body to which helps you to
           burn more calories

        - This prevents greying of the hair and improves skin elasticity for
           less wrinkles. 

        - It's caffeine free, chemical free, made from natural flowers.
           It contains higher levels of anthocyanins than any other food. 

        - Enhance immune system, aphrodisiac / sex enhance💋. Antioxidants like
           folate and Zinc in treating infertility that may improve fertility for 
           both men and women.

        - Blue butterfly pea tea is good for heart health. 

        - Prevent skin bruising, Digestive health- Diarrhoea,
          Cures ulcer constipation and protect digestive systems  wounds 

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        More Benefits 

        01. Improve Eyesight 
                    Clitorea Ternatea contains antioxidant Proanthocyanidin which 

increases blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes, useful treatment in

glaucoma, blurred vision, rental damage or tired eyes.

        02. Improve hair growth 
                     Rich in bioflavonoids, Butterfly pea can promote hair grow and

reduce  greying of hair.

03. Improve skin
                     Butterfly pea’s antioxidants stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis,
                    Which helps rejuvenate the skin and lessen wrinkles and other
                     signs of ageing.


        04. Aphrodisiac

                     Butterfly pea has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac particularly
                     for women and used to treat menstruation problems or white vaginal

       05. Antioxidant
                Flavonoids anthocyanins and phenolic compounds in Butterfly pea
                    flower activate antioxidant activity, which help decrease
                    oxidative stress caused by disease causing and ageing free radicals.

        06. Nootropic 
                     Butterfly Pea has been shown to enhance cognitive functions and
                     boost brain functions

        07. Diuretic 
                     Butterfly pea promotes normal urinations, which is term lowers blood
        08. Analgesic
                     Clitoria Ternatea has been used traditionally as a local anaesthetic
                     as it has been shown to help relieve pain and swelling

        09. Anxiolytic
                    Butterfly pea  has a calming effect on the body reducing stress
                     and anxiety.

        10. Anti-inflammatory
                    The deep Indigo flower contains flavonoids found in almost all fruits

                     and vegetables and are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory

                     and immune system benefits.

        11. Anti-Asthmatic
                    It is used in common colds, coughs and Asthma as it acts as
                    an expectorant and reduces the irritation of respiratory organs.

         12. Anti-anxiety and depression 
                    Indicators are that high doses of  butterfly pea may be adaptogenic
                    - helping the body deal with stressors.

        13. Anti-diabetic

                    Butterfly pea has been shown to inhibit glucose intake from the diet

        14. Anti-HIV 

                    Butterfly Pea is one of the few Herbs to contain cyclotides
                    which have exhibited anti-HIV effects in studies.

         15. Anti-Cancer & Anti-Tumor

                    Clitoria Ternatea’s cyclotides can cause cancer cells death
                     by disrupting cell membrane integrity. 

16. Anti-Microbial 

                    In several Indian studies, Butterfly Pea exhibited significant
                    antimicrobial effects against Staphylococcus Aureus.

17.  Anti-convulsant

                     Butterfly Pea has been shown to help reduce the severity and stress
                     of the body from convulsions useful in treating epilepsy.

          18. Anti-Pyretic                    Clitoria Ternatea can help reduce fever by dilating the blood vessels
         right beneath the skin, whereby air can cool the blood easier. 



  • Butterfly Pea flower is safe when used moderatelyThere is no research on its side effects.

  • Butterfly pea is bright blue flower native to Asia, Rich in antioxidant, Used as herbal tea and natural colourant  
  • Help skin & hair health , Improve fertility for  both men and women.Stabilize blood sugar level and Sex enhancer 
  • It’s great potential to add to your diet as it very less side effect 

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